Geographical location
- Department: Bas-Rhin
- City: Eckbolsheim 67201
Advertiser information
- Nickname: melixa
- Age: 27
- Civil status: Female
- Search: Men
- From: 18 to 65 years old
Photo gallery of : melixa
Member Profile 18246 : melixa
I’m a 27-year-old mixed-race girl (Cuban origin) and I live not far from Strasbourg. I’m single and this is a real sex ad I’m posting here. I’m looking for an experienced man (no virgin or beginner) for a booty call.
The difficulties of life mean that I still live with my parents, so I need a man who can make me dream, who can pick me up and take me to beautiful places, maybe older than me? I’m a luscious brunette with nice breasts and I dress very sexy.
If there’s an affinity and I’m attracted to you and impressed by you, I’ll have sex easily. I suck and I also offer my ass to sodomy. I don’t work and I want to quickly meet people in Strasbourg or nearby, so I’m connected to talk to you. Kisses Melixa.