Geographical location
- Department: Bas-Rhin
- City: Bischheim 67800
Advertiser information
- Nickname: Rebelle9
- Age: 28
- Civil status: Female
- Search: Men
- From: 20 to 50 years old
Photo gallery of : Rebelle9
Member Profile 15093 : Rebelle9
Hi, I’m 28 and I live near Strasbourg. I’ve been putting my studies first for quite a while and over the last year or two I’ve finally started to really relax! I’ve found a good job, with good hours, lots of vacations and a nice salary too! It’s about time I had some fun! I feel like getting a little naughty, it’s now or never, isn’t it? I feel fulfilled, good in my body and I want to take full advantage and let go before it’s too late and I regret it.
I do have some sexual experience, but I want to find out a lot more! Especially anal, which I’ve never tried. I’m more of a classicist, but I don’t deny myself anything, as long as I don’t feel forced to do it and am given the desire to do it. Now you know a little about me, it’s up to you to take the first step and come and talk to me. Kisses!